Integrating Cybersecurity into Disaster Planning

In today’s world, protecting your business means more than just physical security. Integrating cybersecurity into your disaster planning just makes sense. Not only does it help you prepare for unexpected cyber incidents and other disasters, but it can help with your cyber insurance too. Think of it as a comprehensive shield. Start by conducting a […]

Cybersecurity Lowers Cyber Insurance Costs 

Did you know that strengthening your cybersecurity lowers cyber insurance costs? It’s true! By enhancing your cybersecurity maturity, you can reduce cyber liability, and lower your insurance premiums. Cybersecurity lowers cyber insurance costs significantly. Insurers love organizations that take cyber risk management seriously. Implementing effective cybersecurity training, having a good incident response and continuity plans […]

Choosing the Right Cloud Provider

Navigating the realm of cloud computing can be a daunting task, especially with the plethora of service providers available today. As businesses increasingly shift to the cloud, making an informed choice becomes paramount. Here’s a guide for choosing the right cloud provider and making that decision with confidence.  The Industry Leaders: AWS, Google Cloud, and […]

Explain It Like I’m Five – Cloud Edition

Ever been in a meeting where someone drops a cloud-related term, and everyone nods while you’re secretly Googling under the table? No judgment here; we’ve all been there. The cloud world is packed with jargon that can make anyone’s head spin. But fear not! We’ve got your back. Let’s break down some of that fancy […]

On-Prem Servers vs Cloud Hosted – Who Will Win?!

With the rapid growth of digital transformation, businesses are faced with a crucial decision: to maintain their IT infrastructure on-premises or move to the cloud. Each option has its advantages and challenges, and the best choice often depends on a company’s specific needs, budget, and long-term goals. Here’s an objective way you can compare your […]

Cost Benefit Analysis of The Cloud

The Economics of the Cloud: Cost-Benefit Analysis for Businesses  You’ve been hearing the buzz about cloud computing and how it’s the future. That all sounds great, but what about the price? What is the cost benefit analysis of the cloud?  Let’s break down the dollars, cents, and why it’s common sense to move to the […]

Myths and Realities of Security in the Cloud

So, you’ve been hearing a lot about cloud computing. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had a moment or two where you’ve wondered, “Is my data actually safe up there in the… well, cloud?”  This is one of many cloud security myths that make businesses miss out on the capabilities that the right cloud solution […]

Why Use A Password Manager? 

As technology continues to evolve, so does the need for stronger security measures. Password management security is an essential element of any business’s overall security strategy. With the implementation of a password management system, companies can drastically reduce the risk of their data and credentials being compromised by hackers. Not only does a password management […]

Security Awareness Training For Employees 

We all know that talking about cyber security can be very overwhelming for the average person. Creating a culture of security awareness training for employees is important. We all use the internet, and it is this massive jungle with threats, threat actors, and malicious activity. That is exactly where Security Awareness Training steps in. It […]

ChatGPT Privacy Concerns

Important Information about ChatGPT As a trusted Managed Service Provider, we constantly strive to keep you informed about the latest developments in the technology landscape. Today, we would like to bring your attention to a relatively new communication platform named ChatGPT. ChatGPT Privacy Concerns started to come up immediate after its launch. After listening to […]