We all carry identification of one kind or another to prove that we are who we say we are. How do we prove that when we are online? A password isn’t enough, they’re the fake ID’s of our time. Now you need multi factor authentication (2FA) to prove your online identity. While 2FA seems daunting, […]
Ever feel like you’re caught in a time loop, doing the same tasks over again? Many of the tasks we do day in and day out ARE the same. The tasks are fairly monotonous and you don’t really want to do them. What if you didn’t have to? Did you know there are a few […]
This could have been an email We’ve all sat through a meeting that could have been an email, or a phone call. Time is one of our most valuable resources when it comes to the workplace. We can’t get more of it, so we are left to make better use of the minutes that make […]
Goal Setting with 4 Tools to Increase Productivity and Communication Every year we tell ourselves we are going to set goals, plan things, play well with others, not run with scissors and this will be our best year yet! I’m still running with scissors, how about you? The tools we use are a big part […]
What are my options for Password Management? Millions of accounts get compromised or hacked every day. Some are large scale hacks where they are going after user lists for extortion or fraud. Some are more ingenious, like the people who go after Google accounts for the passwords people store in Chrome. Most often it’s an […]
Insider Threats Imagine you’ve brought on an intern, temp, or contractor as part of your marketing team. Imagine that his name is Noah. Noah has actually been brought in by the CISO, unbeknownst to marketing. Marketing thinks they are getting a new contractor. The CISO wants to test how protected the company is from an Insider […]
Cyber criminals don’t just slip into your network without the help of some serious hacking skills. In fact, there’s a much simpler way to do that, through your employees. Social engineering is a tactic hackers are using more and more frequently to infiltrate systems. It involves a variety of approaches that focus on manipulating employees […]
The landscape of digital security shifts daily. The continuous shifting leaves even the largest companies scrambling to keep up with current threats. One of the most frequent questions we hear is, how can we keep up with large companies? The answer is with a Cybersecurity Checklist. The checklist is packed full of best practices the […]