Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) is a structured way to align IT with business goals while managing risks and meeting regulations.
What Does GRC Stand For?
The policies, rules, or frameworks that a company uses to achieve its business goals. Defines the responsibilities of management.
Good governance includes the following:
- Ethics and accountability
- Transparent information sharing
- Conflict resolution policies
- Resource management
Businesses face different types of risks, including financial, legal, strategic, and security risks.
Proper risk management helps businesses identify these risks and find ways to remediate any that are found.
Companies use risk management programs to predict potential problems and minimize losses.
The act of following rules, laws, and regulations. It applies to legal and regulatory requirements set by industrial bodies and also for internal corporate policies.
In GRC, compliance involves implementing procedures to ensure that business activities comply with the respective regulations.
Why is GRC Important?
When a business implements an effective GRC program, it helps to set policies from a shared perspective and comply with regulatory requirements. With GRC, the entire company comes together in its policies, decisions, and actions.
Some of the benefits of implementing GRC:
Data-driven decision-making –
You can make good decisions in shorter time frames by using GRC software and tools.
Responsible operations –
Businesses can streamline operations around a strong common culture that promotes ethical values and creates a healthy environment for growth.
Improved cybersecurity –
GRC in businesses help employ data security measures to protect customer data and private information. It is an essential strategy for your organization due to the ever-increasing cyber risk that threatens users’ data and privacy. It helps organizations comply with data privacy regulations, can bring down insurance premiums, builds customer trust, and protects your business from penalties.
What Drives GRC and Compliance in General?
The Need for Data Privacy, or Data Loss Protection
Regulatory Requirements for HIPAA, ISO, GDPR, SOC2 or CMMC
Risk Management and Insurance rates costs increasing at unprecedented rates
Protecting against Cyber Threats and Threat Actors
Business and Employment uncertainty for C Suites with any IT related responsibilities
Reducing 3rd Party and Supply Chain Risk
How Does GRC and Compliance Work?
A strategic GRC program can save your business, especially for those operating in:
- Healthcare
- Pharmaceuticals
- Manufacturing
- Engineering
- Government
These industries are heavily regulated and require strict compliance with a myriad of frameworks and regulations because they have a lot at risk. If found out of compliance, businesses can incur fines, fees, and even lawsuits. Additionally, a well-designed GRC program can help keep your business operating smoothly and efficiently while helping you achieve your company’s goals.
Get Started (717) 763-6800What Are Common Tools for Compliance?
Security Info
User & Asset
How do businesses implement Compliance and GRC strategies?
Determine the business goals you want to accomplish. Is it compliance, efficiency, cost savings measures? All of the above?
Then you can:
- Assess existing procedures that handle compliance currently.
- Start from the top – have your leaders set polices that drive change management.
- Use software and tools to manage and monitor your GRC program.
- Test the chosen GRC framework on one business unit or process.
- Set clear roles and responsibilities
Let's Get Started
Business starts with a Conversation.
We want to get to know you as people before we get to know you as business partners. So, let’s find some time to sit down and discuss your needs and how we can meet them. We promise not to bring pamphlets, charts, flyers, graphs, USB sticks with sketchy software, or anything else to the meeting.
We want to focus on you and your needs, not ourselves and what we can sell you. If we meet your criteria and you meet ours, we’ll streamline your technology and help your business thrive.
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